EU - Import Control System 2 (ICS2)
Countries in the European Union have been developing a unified approach to what they call Import Control System 2 or ICS2. The go-live process has been set in three phases. Air express and Air mail went live a year ago, with the balance of Air cargo starting about two months ago. Ocean, Rail and Truck have a planned go-live for March 1, 2024.
ICS2 introduces requirements for every Bill of Lading issuer to present new advance cargo information, to protect against security and safety threats from goods entering the EU. The ICS2 filing requires a complete set of Entry Summary Declaration data on goods in to or out of the EU border. Cargo owners and Freight Forwarders/NVOCCs will be able to file through the Trade Tech system. Trade Tech has developed electronic connections to EU Customs systems.
Failure to file ICS2 will lead to actions by customs authorities to enforce compliance prior to and on arrival and freight will be stopped at the EU borders and the goods in question will not be cleared by Customs authorities.
Trade Tech has been monitoring the ICS2 developments for several years now and we have programmed for the filings. In the coming months, we will continue to share information about ICS2, and we will present some informational webinars.